What we have done so far

There are many tools to fight for diversity. In order to break the status quo of capital distribution we need to act in a systemic way, thus we have introduced series of actions to fulfil our agenda, such as reports, events, podcasts!


European Women in VC report 2024: "Beyond returns: Venture and Growth investing fueling sustainability and societal change"

Venture and growth investing is the most impactful asset class. With the right approach and increased institutional allocation, it can drive economic change and create significant social and environmental benefits.


Female GPs and Senior Managers are an undervalued asset in European Venture Capital Firms (2023)

Report 2023 highlights the positive financial and societal impact of diverse investment teams in the growth and venture space. Pointing out the gender-performance correlation serves as a catalyst for environmental adjustment in the venture capital landscape. It reinforces the notion that diversity is not just a checkbox but a strategic imperative.


Role and importance of women as cheque writers and start-up founders (2022)

The inaugural pan-European report on the venture capital ecosystem from a gender perspective.


Funding in the CEE Region through the lens of gender diversity and positive impact (2021)

This report serves to discuss this gap and aims at calling to action all those who have the ability to drive change across the VC and tech ecosystem. Only by discussing facts, figures and taking a real leadership role can we drive change for the benefit of the whole society.

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Social Media

LinkedIn newsletter #1

Hear from experts Ekaterina Almasque and Manjari Chandran-Ramesh on why Europe struggles to scale its deep-tech startups.

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Boston Consulting Group Report: Gender diversity in startup funds in France (FR)

Diversity in initiating and funding startups continues to increase, yet the influence of the ecosystem still weighs it down. The report is written in French.

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Funding in the CEE Region through the lens of gender diversity and positive impact (2021)

This report serves to discuss this gap and aims at calling to action all those who have the ability to drive change across the VC and tech ecosystem. Only by discussing facts, figures and taking a real leadership role can we drive change for the benefit of the whole society.

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